Multicultural Initiatives Summer Paid Theatre Internships

Theatre Network of Texas, Inc (TNT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the theatres and artists of Texas and the communities they serve. TNT, with the support of the the Jack K. Ayre and Frank Ayre Lee Theatre Foundation, sponsors college internships to address the needs of theatres and students in the discipline of live theatre.
The goal of the program is to expose students to the theatre profession by:
- providing firsthand experience working with and in theatres;
- giving an overview of current issues in the profession;
- facilitating job opportunities through contacts made in the Texas theatre community.
- Completed & Graduated high school course work and received high school diploma.
- Completed Sophomore year of college after high school graduation. (Advanced placement and completion of college courses while still enrolled in high school does NOT qualify as completion.)
- Majoring in any aspect of theatre i.e. education, administration, etc.
- Graduate Students are eligible
- Students of every race, religion, gender, ethnic and economic background and sexual preference are eligible to apply.
- Must be a Texas resident or attend a Texas university with a Texas address.
- Be a member of TNT at the Student Level ($20)
Ten weeks beginning May 16, 2025 and ending July 28, 2025, interns will have five week residencies at two different host theatres. Before the start of the first residency, interns will spend one day in the TNT offices in Fort Worth for orientation (May 16, 20255.) At the end of the ten weeks, interns will return to the TNT offices for an internship debriefing (July 28, 2025.) Please note: the host theatre chooses the intern through an interview process – as opposed to the intern choosing the theatre.
Interns will receive $3,000 for the ten weeks. Lodging will be provided by the host theatres during the residencies.
Depending on the theatres chosen for placements, the residencies may include artistic, technical and administrative experiences and duties. The focus of the internship is determined by the individual theatres. Interns will be mentored during their placements by the heads of the divisions in which they work. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERFORMANCE-BASED INTERNSHIP.
Some previous placements have included: Theatre Three, Shakespeare Dallas, Dallas Summer Musicals, Dallas Children’s Theater, Kitchen Dog Theater, Amarillo Little Theatre, Stage West, Hip Pocket Theatre, Theatre Arlington, S.T.A.G.E. Bulverde, WaterTower Theatre, Unity Theatre, Ensemble Theatre, ACE Theatre, Stages Repertory Theatre, The Alley Theatre, The Point Theatre, Hill Country Community Theatre, Temple Civic Theatre, Plaza Theatre Company, ArtsView Children’s Theatre, Baytown Little Theater, Rover Dramawerks, Fredericksburg Theater Company, Vive Les Artes, Playhouse 2000 and Beaumont Community Players.
- Interns must have a valid drivers license. Interns are responsible for their own transportation to / from interviews, orientation, placement and debriefing. Having a car is preferred but not required.
- Interns must be available for travel throughout the period.
- Interns must be able to commit to the completion of the ten week program. Exceptions may be made with advance notice.
- Interns must have demonstrated communication skills.
Applications will be reviewed by TNT staff and Executive Director. Interviews will take place in February at TEXFest 2025 at Theatre Victoria from March 12 – 16, 2025.
Applicants are required to submit the following materials:
- TNT Membership at the Student Level – $20
- Application Form
- Most current college transcript (official copy or web PDF copy)
- Letter of recommendation from a college professor in the student’s field of study
- Complete resumé of work/experience/roles/teaching experience/technical experience, etc.
- 500 word essay on why you would make a good candidate for this internship.
Applications and attachments should be emailed / postmarked no later than Friday, January 31, 2025, and sent to:
preston@texastheatres.org with Subject Title: First Initial.Last Name Internship Application – i.e.: J.Doe Internship Application
Or mailed to:
Multicultural Initiatives Internship
Theatre Network of Texas, Inc.
P.O. Box 470672
Fort Worth, TX 76147
Attachments may be sent separately from application, but all materials must be in by the January deadline. Applications and/or attachments postmarked or emailed after January 26 will not be accepted.
Questions should be addressed to
Preston Isham, Programs Manager, at the above address, by email at preston@texastheatres.org.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance for interview by early-February 2025.
Thank you to our generous sponsor